Dear Reader,
It appears that even considering the warning; you are still pursuing this dangerous road into my thoughts. But I don’t think I can blame you, an unknown world, an adventure of prolific consequences can’t help but be captivating!
I thought much today about what characters should be played out in detail throughout our journey together. I trust that you are most intrigued at my appearance, my mannerisms and idiosyncrasies because who in their right mind (and I stress RIGHT...) would write such enigmatic prose. But I have claimed nothing about being normal.
So, for now just think of me as your kind next door neighbour, maybe he’s old, young, hot or not. The meaning being that I am as average as the next guy, with one difference. I have a secret like the world has never known. And the tales that follow will undoubtedly throw a shadow over the unknown life of a nameless stranger.
But before we begin, I guess I should tell you the whole story. So lets continue this tomorrow and who knows, maybe you'll be horrorfied enough just to let 'sleeping dogs lie'.
Till then I bid you farewell.
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